Displaying 51 - 60 of 149.
Also, several feminist leaders slammed failure to have good representation of women in the Qandīl government although Qandīl and before him Mursī had pledged that women will be represented in a way satisfactory to all segments of the society. “Is it acceptable that a post-revolution government...
Before the outbreak of the 25th of January Revolution, women and Copts have been two politically and socially marginalized groups. However, they managed to make their way to political and social engagement. 
Many women believe they pay an expensive price for the presence of radicalism and fundamentalism across all three [Abrahamic] religions. In Egypt, the issue of being a Christian woman assuming a senior religious role remains a big problem. Recently, Coptic women started to seek to change that...
The Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights expressed its deep displeasure from the position of the salafīs’ negative position regarding the appointment of a women as Governor, whereby they used religion to affect the feelings of the simple [poor, undereducated] sectors of the Egyptian population...
  Māyā Mursī, president of the National Council for Women, said that the council called on the Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic churches to nominate nuns and servants of the church from their part.
Although the Egyptian church allows women access to a number of important positions, such as: nun, devotee, servant, and Guardian of Service and Hymns; there remain other domains that the Church completely prohibits women from accessing. 
"I will adjourn the session, in case anyone breaks the legal, ethical, and fundamental rules of this Parliament": these were the words uttered by Dr. Āmna Nossair, whose thrusting personality had made her most probably best qualified to be the first woman to preside the Egyptian Parliament in its...
The Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo approved by majority during its annual meeting on Friday (January 20) on the ordaining of women as priests for the first time in the history of all Christian denomination in Egypt. Pastor Rif'at Fikrī, Chairman of the ETSC's information committee, said...
Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī was born in Kafr Tahlah in Egypt's Delta, in 1931. Arab Women's Solidarity Association (AWSA) which was headed by al-Saʿdāwī  came to existence as an international non-profit organization that aims at promoting Arab women's active participation in social, economic, cultural, and...
 ‘Adil Labib, a local development minister, said that he was not convinced of appointing a woman as governor because many women are not qualified for such a job. Women living in rural regions in Egypt face many challenges because of the lack of education and social services available to them...


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