Dear friends,
Wishing you a blessed 2020,
Cornelis Hulsman,
Editor-in-Chief Arab-West Report
English Newsletters
1) Egypt, the Pathway Operetta Recounts the Holy Family’s Escape to Egypt
July 9, 2019
To celebrate the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, the National Egyptian Heritage Revival Association (NEHRA) held a celebration at the theatre of al-Manārah Conference Center on the 24th of June in New Cairo.
2) Moving forward together; Muslims and Christians in Egyptian Society for a Sustainable Future
July 25, 2019
In the summer of 2019 we organized two summer schools. The first summer school was organized by the Center for Arab-West Understanding and the Anglican Diocese of Egypt at the Anglican Cathedral and Conference Center in Zamalek, Cairo. The second summer school was organized by SEKEM company, Heliopolis University and the Center for Arab-West Understanding.
(Click here for full text)
3) Poverty, water and stability
August 6, 2019
The challenges for the Egyptian government to address the increasing percentage of Egyptians living under the poverty line, hosting refugees, the population increase, the effects of global warming and reducing freshwater supplies are huge. Helping Egypt to remain stable is important to the entire region and Europe.
(Click here for full text)
4) AWR friend Rekaya al-Hafi running for president in Tunisia
August 8, 2019
AWR friend Rekaya al-Hafi announced that she will be running for president in the Tunisian presidential elections on September 15, 2019. These elections will be the second direct elections since the 2011 revolution.
(Click here for full text)
5) In the sea there are crocodiles
September 17, 2019
South Korean intern Junghoon Lee was deeply moved reading Fabio Geda’s book ‘Nel mare ci sono i cocodrilli’ (In the sea there are crocodiles), which details the successful integration of Afghani political refugee Dr. Enaiatollah Akbari (1989) into Italian society, and views this case as an example that Korea could follow in order to work towards the integration of refugees into Korean society.
(Click here for full text)
6) A debate between a Muslim and Christian leader in the Netherlands
October 10, 2019
Arab-West Report is in favor of any fruitful dialogue between peoples of different religions and convictions. A debate was held between Gert-Jan Segers, party leader of the Christian Union and imam Yassin Elforkani of the Blue Mosque in Amsterdam
(Click here for full text)
7) Alexandria: a window to the Mediterranean, not only in the past!
October 15, 2019
Italy and Egypt appear here so close to each other. Equally, several other countries facing the Mediterranean Sea have countless aspects in common with Alexandria. Italian intern Veronica Merlo reflects on her cosmopolitan Alexandria visit.
(Click here for full text)
8) The work of our students-interns is vital for our NGO
November 21, 2019
Celebrating the work of AWR interns for the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT) and the CAWU Learning Center. Students are in various ways involved in the Learning Center and write about their experiences and people they meet for our database.
(Click here for full text)
9) Diplomatic Negotiations
November 25, 2019
Our Center is all about peace building and creating mutual understanding between peoples of different cultures and religions. It was therefore fitting that Professor Dr. Sami Faltas to give a lecture on how professional negotiations work at CAWU.
(Click here for full text)
10) We are well on our way to meet with our targets but we need your financial support
November 26, 2019
The Center for Arab-West Understanding has been able to organize in cooperation with other parties summer schools in 2018 and 2019. That not only contributed to the training of university students and make them fully aware of the importance of intercultural dialogue but also contributed to highly relevant contributions to our database.
(Click here for full text)
11) The season of Advent and Christmas and our Muslim friends
December 5, 2019
In the season of advent and Christmas, the center highlights several examples on how Muslims and Christians live side by side, interact and support each other in Egypt.
(Click here for full text)
12) Extremism is often the product of our own actions
December 11, 2019
Russian intern Yana Kabirova conducted a most fascinating interview with Professor Emeritus Abdallah Schleifer (b. 1935) about the origins of extremism. Schleifer, who grew up in a Jewish family had become a Marxist and later converted to Sufi Islam, provides a very alternative but convincing view on modern history. This resulted in fascinating elaborations on how we humans are very often responsible for the violence we see around us.
(Click here for full text)
13) Intern experiences of Veronica Merlo at the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU)
December 15, 2019
The number of interns at the Center for Arab-West Understanding has been increasing from 17 in 2017, 50 in 2018 and in 2019 we have already served around 65 interns, both Egyptians and non-Egyptians. They all have their own story but all share the same interest in wanting to learn about different cultures and the best way to do so is to meet with people and listen to their stories.
(Click here for full text)
14) Massive Holy Family event in Paris, France, December 19
December 17, 2019
The National Egyptian Heritage Revival Association (NEHRA) invited a team from the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) for a press conference on the operetta “Egypt …the Pathway” that will be presented at the Palais des Congrès in Paris on December 19.
(Click here for full text)
15) Your continued financial support remains needed
December 18, 2019
The end of Misereor support to our work in 2019 has had a deep impact on our work in Egypt. It has resulted in a large deficit of CIDT for 2019. We had problems in making the budget for 2020 as well since the Misereor income is missing. Your continued donations are most appreciated.
(Click here for full text)
16) Christmas wishes 2019 and a call for peace and compassion
December 26, 2019
On Christmas day Pope Francis gave his annual Urbi et Orbi (for the city and the word) speech in which he addressed the suffering of the people in Syria, Libya, Palestine, Yemen and other countries with political and social conflicts which have made many thousands of people to flee.
(Click here for full text)
17) Highlights of 2019 and working towards succession by Dr. Matthew Anderson
December 31, 2019
Dr. Matthew Anderson, assistant professor of Islamic studies at Georgetown University, is committed to start work in September 2021 with Cornelis Hulsman retiring from the day-to-day management of the CIDT office and Arab-West Report.
(Click here for full text)
Dutch Newsletters
1) Uitnodiging 6 september: avond over de noodzaak van goed onderwijs
August 27, 2019
2) We zijn hard op weg om onze doelstellingen te halen maar hebben daarvoor financiële steun nodig
November 21, 2019
If you would like to change your subscription to our quarterly newsletter only, you can do this by writing us at [email protected].