AWR Quarterly Newsletter - July 2021

Sent On: 
Tue, 2021-07-13
Newsletter Number: 

Dear readers,


This is the overview of our activities in the second quarter of 2021. It is obvious that the CAWU Learning Centre for refugees has taken a considerable amount of our time but we continued to give full attention to our work on intercultural dialogue. On June 30 CAWU’s extra ordinary general assembly unanimously decided to add building schools to its statutes was of course a major landmark.


Cornelis Hulsman,

Editor-in-Chief Arab-West Report


Dutch Newsletter


12) Uitnodiging online bijeenkomst over ons Ondrewijscentrum voor vlutchtelingen op woensdagavond 21 april

April 19, 2021 ​
(Click here for full text)






English Newsletter


13) Orthodox Easter, church and politics
May 5, 2021

We have recently uploaded a number of articles about the decades’ old tensions between the Anglican Diocese of Egypt and the Presbyterian Church of Egypt. This shows again how the political and the spiritual mingle.
(Click here for full text)



14) Photography of mosques and churches in Cairo
May 9, 2021

The placement of mosques and churches reflects the relationship and power differences. When Brill Publishers asked for a photo that resembles what the Arab-West Report represents, interns Emma and Oda decided to get a photo of a church and a mosque alongside each other. In their pursuit, they went on a quest around Cairo and the new Administrative Capital.
(Click here for full text)


15) Eid al-Fitr during the covid19 pandemic
May 10, 2021

Eid al-Fitr is this year celebrated between May 12 and 16. This is usually a moment of family gatherings, but Egyptian authorities are extremely scared that such gatherings could increase covid-19 infections.
(Click here for full text)



16) Muslims and Christians need to focus on what binds them together
May 18, 2021

Muslims and Christians at the EMRA are familiar with each other scriptures and Christians quote liberally from the Qur’an and Hadith and Muslims quote from Christian scriptures. This intercultural and intertextual facility shows respect and understanding of each other’s faith traditions.
(Click here for full text)



17) Conflicting ideologies and beliefs in the Israeli-Gaza conflict
June 7, 2021

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a conflict fueled by conflicting ideologies and beliefs. Appropriating religion for a deeply nationalist agenda is not helping to bring justice and peace for all parties involved.
(Click here for full text)



18) Vacancy English teacher
June 8, 2021
Our Learning Centre for refugees has made great progress in the past school year. For the new school year, 2021-2022, we are in need of an experienced English teacher for secondary age English speaking students with African backgrounds.
(Click here for full text)



19) African refugees in Egypt need education
June 28, 2021

Being a refugee in a country that is not one’s own is difficult. The most important thing we can do in helping refugees in Egypt is through education. The Centre for Arab-West Understanding aims to develop our learning center into a proper school with a license of the Ministry of Education and Cambridge Assessment accreditation which will make this the first school ever in Egypt.
(Click here for full text)



20) Major changes at the Centre for Arab-West Understanding
July 11, 2021
On June 30 the extraordinary assembly of the Centre for Arab-West Understanding agreed to change the statutes of our NGO to include the establishment of schools as one of our objectives. Peter Mathias of Achieve Educational Consultants for Tomorrow noted that our learning center has made tremendous improvements in the past year that makes it unique among all learning centers for refugees in Egypt.
(Click here for full text)



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