We are pleased to present you hereby our third quarterly newsletter. It shows you the work we have engaged in within the previous quarter and the challenges we are facing. I would in particular like to point you to our newsletter “Why subscribers are important to Arab-West Report.” We need more subscribers since that shows how wide our information is distributed. If you feel that receiving around 50 newsletters per year is too much, then this quarterly newsletter is an excellent alternative. Please recommend your own contacts to subscribe to our newsletters.
We have different subscriber lists. That includes one for Dutch subscribers who received in the last quarter 3 newsletters. Dutch newsletters are alongside our English newsletters of course. We also have a Cairo list that is used for invitations for activities in Cairo.
Our work is in particular of great benefit to student interns who in turn have greatly contributed to the content to our work as well as social outreach programs such as our new learning center below.
Your support through subscribing and distributing our information is most appreciated.
October 1, 2018.
Cornelis Hulsman,
Editor-in-chief Arab-West Report
English Newsletter
1) Upcoming Interfaith Lecture by Archbishop George Carey - Reforming Religious Discourse as a Way of Combating Terrorism
July 9, 2018
Lord George Carey spoke at St. John the Baptist Anglican/Episcopal Church in Maadi, south Cairo. He addressed the important theme of reforming religious discourse as a way of combating terrorism and sectarian violence.
2) Simone Osterwald’s Internship at CAWU
July 11, 2018
Simone, a former intern at CAWU, wrote about her experience with CAWU, and about her travels inside Egypt. Simone also wrote about meeting Diana Moore, an 18 year old Guinean girl who never got the chance to get more education than grade 2 in school, and how she worked with her on her career and education opportunities.
3) Visiting Mount Sinai
July 12, 2018
Former intern Sergio Ponce León, from Mexico, wrote about his inspirational experience of traveling to Sinai and climbing Mount Sinai.
4) Recognizing the Need for Unity between Muslims and Christians
July 16, 2018
Eslam Othman, a coexistence activist in Alexandria, Egypt, who also participated in the International Summer School, wrote on how religious leaders take positive steps to enable people with different beliefs to live together in peace and harmony.
5) Education for Africans in Egypt
July 17, 2018
Samuel Nass, a former intern at CAWU, wrote about education for Africans in Egypt in light of his experience as an instructor at STARS refugee school in Maadi, Cairo. CAWU introduced Nass to the STARS.
6) U.S. State Department Convenes Historic Summit on International Religious Freedom
July 29, 2018
On July 24-26, the U.S. State Department convened The Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, a landmark gathering for the promotion of international religious freedom.
7) A Revolutionary Wake-up Call: No Paragon without Flaws
August 5, 2018
“There are plainly not enough words to describe this fallacy; perfect humans inhabiting a perfect universe, are we? We surely haven't evolved perfectly. Tracing our steps to Adam and Eve in the garden, or to an evolutionary distant past, we have made bloody choices since, too tasteless to put into words.”
8) Why subscribers are important to Arab-West Report
August 8, 2018
The Dutch organization Kerk in Actie, which has been generously supporting our work since 2001, specified in their contract for 2018-2020 that they would like to see the distribution of our newsletters increase from 2000 to 4000 persons.
9) The Murder of Bishop Epiphanius Deeply Traumatizes the Coptic Orthodox Church
August 9, 2018
On July 29, Bishop Epiphanius, abbot of St. Macarios, was murdered in his monastery. Bishop Epiphanius (68) was found dead on Sunday July 29 at 3.00 am with severe head injuries strongly indicating that he was murdered. His tragic death has shocked the nation and has been followed by intense speculation.
10) Working towards a Libya Peace Conference; Rebuilding on “The Ashes of a Country”
September 17, 2018
The civil war in Libya has claimed tens of thousands of civilian lives and has forced educated youth to flee the country. Rekaya el-Hafi, Tunisian humanitarian, is now supporting Libyans who want to bring Libya’s civil war to an end.
11) Egyptian NGOs Are Struggling
September 26, 2018
Our intern Megan Molitor wrote a paper about NGOs struggling to carry out their work in Egypt. These struggles have become particularly intense since president al-Sīsī signed the new NGO law 70 on May 24, 2017.
12) Arrested and Expelled
September 30, 2018
Many Africans come to Egypt in search for work. Days ago, Kenyan national Eve was arrested because Egyptian authorities discovered that her visa had been fake. Eve’s story is not unique. It shows how difficult it is for Egypt to properly manage migration.
Dutch Newsletter
1) Start van een school voor kinderen zonder onderwijskansen in Egypte - Helpt u mee?
August 29, 2018
2) Uitnodiging voor een informatieve avond op 18 September met Rekaya el-Hafi (Tunesië) en Kees Hulsman
September 8, 2018
3) De Haagse Week van de Vrede, morgen spreekt Mw. Rekaya el-Hafi uit Tunesië
September 17, 2018
If you would like to change your subscription to our quarterly newsletter only, you can do this by writing us at [email protected].