The editorial policy of Arab-West Report has been developed by:
This editorial policy is carried out by editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman. |
Arab-West Report started in 1997 with a board of advisors but once the Center for Arab-West Understanding was formed and recognized as an Egyptian NGO by the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity in 2008 this board was replaced by the board of this NGO. Function: Members of the Board of Advisors of AWR support the ideals of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) and promise to help with the realization of those ideals as much as possible. The ideals of CAWU are detailed in the mission statement. Members of the CAWU Board also pledge to apply these ideals in their own work. Members of the Board provide advice and expert commentary, both solicited and unsolicited. It is characteristic for CAWU that the members of the Board come from as many different backgrounds (cultural, faith and national) as possible, making it a forum where many different opinions meet in mutual respect. The profile of a board member:
The current board is formed by: