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Kevin Sullivan, the author, reports on the lawsuit in which authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh accuse Dan Brown of stealing the idea for his best-selling novel "The Da Vinci Code" from a non-fiction book they published in 1982, "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.”
This articles discusses Father Basyt Abu al-Khayr’s book, which he wrote in response to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.
‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt denounces Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code, as containing many errors and false allegations. He adds that the book is nothing but an attack on Christianity.
The author accuses the paper of dealing with The Da Vinci Code in a superficial and non-scientific way. In a bid to dodge accusations that it attacked the beliefs of the Copts, the paper stated that it spoke about the western Catholic Church and the Vatican.
In his book titled "The Da Vinci Code", Dan Brown claims that Christ married Mary Magdalena and had children from her. In spite of the myths and false claims included in the book, it is heavily circulated in many places around the world. Brown also claims that the grandchildren of Christ and Mary...
Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code has raised a lot of controversy in the whole world over the revolutionary vision it presented of the history of Christianity and that of Christ. This made a British critic describe the book as ‘fascinating nonsense’ and later prompted Lebanon’s General Security to...


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