Displaying 11 - 20 of 21.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s practical steps are sure a far cry from their declared theoretical ideas. One may wonder why they have been in hibernation all these years as to stage demonstrations calling for political reform.
Sayyed Qutb’s book “Ma’leem fi Al-Tariq” [Milestones] is still the source of inspiration of Islamists around the world. The Muslim Brotherhood tried to deny any connection between itself and Qutb’s book, in spite of the fact that they would always refute any criticism directed to the book.
Salah Shady, one of the prominent Brotherhood leaders wrote, “Hassan Al-Banna [founder of the Muslim Brotherhood] was the good seed for Islamic thought and Sayyed Qutb was the good fruit.” The life of Sayyed Qutb witnessed many conversions and unlimited mysteries. Qutb knew how to love and how to...
The initiative of the Muslim Brotherhood [for political reform] highlights the right of disagreement in many of its items as a basic democratic principle. In effect, the Brotherhood seeks to impose a single viewpoint over other viewpoints arguing that the imposed point of view is God’s point of...
Adel Hammouda [the editor-in-chief of Sawt El-Umma] wrote about Sayyed Qutb saying that his followers forgot “the days when Qutb wrote about women, love, and Jazz music. They wish that history might forget those days of his life and start his story from the moment of his change to faith. Qutb...
During a televised interviews aired by Al-Jazeera satellite channel, Abdel-Khaleq, the former member of the formation committee and the guidance office of the Brotherhood discussed the stand of Al-Hudaiby toward “Ma’alem Fel-Tareeq” [Milestones], written by Sayyed Qutb and also Al-Hudaiby’s stand...
We come to the second mystery in the life of Sayyed Qutb. During his time in prison, Qutb received special treatment not enjoyed by other prisoners. At the time, Qutb was the only person who was allowed to keep paper, pens, and books while receiving medical treatment in the prison’s hospital from...
Many books and articles have been written about Sayyid Qutb, not because he contributed to enriching the Salafist way of thinking, but rather because he, despite his foggy vision, influenced all religious extremist movements.
Dr. Rifa’at Al-Said, the general secretary of the Tagammu opposition party, believes that Islamizing politics is the essence of terrorism and that the Muslim Brotherhood were the first to use terrorism. He stresses that that Islam is not a fertile ground for radical thoughts as some people claim.
This is the story of the most famous sixteen books which were confiscated throughout this century because of the taboos in our society (on religion, sex, and politics) which stand, like a sword on the neck, in front of everyone who has a certain opinion while the freedom allowed in the Arab world,...


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