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Titlesort descending Author Last update
50. The American ambassador [in Cairo] organizes a tour for a Christian [Coptic] delegation to Washington churches webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 12:01
50. The American friend! webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 12:02
50. The asylum webmaster Fri, 2024-08-30 15:01
50. The Azhar and the Episcopal Church agree on demands for a law criminalizing insults against sanctities and the prophets webmaster Thu, 2019-02-07 16:51
50. The Azhar…the accused innocent webmaster Mon, 2019-05-20 12:40
50. The book calls for freedom and reform webmaster Fri, 2024-07-12 16:04
50. The Christian cultural center webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 11:43
50. The church to Counselor Labib Halim: Hand over the files you have webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 11:52
50. The churches refuse to comment on the judgment A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 19:55
50. The church’s camps in the manner of al-Takfir wa-al-Hijrá camps webmaster Sun, 2019-11-24 10:40
50. The Confession Sacrament; the most sensitive task for priests webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 12:11
50. The Coptic Movements: "Protect Us" adel-cc Thu, 2019-03-07 12:49
50. The court finds two Coptic brothers not guilty; but police refuses to release them webmaster Mon, 2019-05-20 13:43
50. The Democratic Front; a new political party in Egypt webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 12:22
50. The Evangelical church opens in Arbeel webmaster Mon, 2019-05-20 12:26
50. The first photo publication on the Baha’i temple in New Delhi webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 11:53
50. The future of political life in Egypt 2-2 webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 11:43
50. The Giza security department is setting up checkpoints in order to speed the process of arresting the defendants in the al-Warrāq Church shooting A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 19:59
50. The growing dispute between Bishop Bishuy and Bishop Kyrillos webmaster Sun, 2019-11-24 10:40
50. The Holy Council discusses the organization of the church excommunication law webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 11:46
50. The illicit transaction webmaster Mon, 2019-05-20 12:41
50. The Kamilia Fitna A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 17:22
50. The Lost Truth webmaster Mon, 2019-05-20 12:40
50. The Ministry of Health and psychiatrists exchange accusations regarding Michael Nabīl A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 16:38
50. The most famous bishop in Upper Egypt and his holy jealousy webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 12:04
50. The Nubians reject participating in the conference of Coptic expatriates abroad and warn of attempts to sow sedition webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 12:19
50. The organization "Human Rights Watch" has issued a statement calling on the Egyptian authorities to take the steps necessary to protect churches and religious institutions A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:01
50. The People’s Assembly passes a law to ban rallies in mosques webmaster Mon, 2019-05-20 14:18
50. The personal papers of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Christian brothers !! A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 19:57
50. The police and human rights webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 11:52
50. The pope opens the Jewish wound webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 12:06
50. The Pope’s Council and that of Ahmad ‘Izz webmaster Mon, 2019-05-20 13:02
50. The Qur’anists and the Baha’is webmaster Thu, 2020-01-09 07:28
50. The religious state in America, Islam in America [6] webmaster Thu, 2019-06-27 11:51
50. The story of the Catholic Church in Egypt webmaster Mon, 2019-05-20 14:03
50. The true meaning of the presidential pardon webmaster Mon, 2019-05-20 14:05
