Displaying 121 - 130 of 1252.
Meanwhile, the Iftā' House, a Muslim authority in Egypt that gives opinions about contemporary issues based on the teachings of the Qur'ān and the Sunnah, expressed discontent over the current arguments regarding beard growing for some officers and personnel in the interior ministry. [Ahmad al-...
Investigation judges Tharwat Hammād, Ahmad Ismā'īl and Dīyā' Hassanayn accused Meunier that he and Father Philopater Jameel of the Virgin Mary Church in Faysal district, according to investigations gathered by the Military Police, met with protesters at Hilton Ramsīs Hotel on October 6 and gave...
Reviewing his achievements since his appointment as Grand Muftī of Egypt in 2003, Shaykh ‘Alī Jum’ah has become a leading advocate for moderation. He has revolutionized the process of issuing fatwás in Egypt, transforming Dār al-Iftā’ from an institution that was the extension of one individual (...
Spokesman of President Mursī, Dr. Yāsir ꞌAlī, yesterday commented on statements delivered by President Mursī on Egyptian Christians describing them as “minorities”. Accusing media of delivering false reports, ꞌAlī argued that media have taken President Mursī’s statements out of context and that the...
Grand Shaykh of the Azhar, Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb, announced the launching of a satellite channel which, according to him, would be popularly accepted by Egyptians who trust in the moderate stance of The Azhar body. 
The Observatory for Takfīrī Fatwās and Extremist Thought, associated with Dār al-Iftā’, affirmed that the clash between terrorist organizations has worsened. Every organization is trying to surpass, and destroy, the other. This clash has transformed into a hostile phenomenon that has spread...
The Coptic Street [community] witnessed several events during the past week… We follow the most prominent of them in the proceeding article. 
"Renewing religious discourse is a matter of life and death…" This is an Egyptian call launched by President Abdel Fattah al-Sīsī on Wednesday from the country of al-Azhar, [an outlet of] moderate Islam.
  The journalist ʿAlī Yāsīn was not wrong when he described the Arabs’ entry into Egypt by ʿAmr ibn al-Āṣ as an occupation when he was answering the [following] question [posed to him] on the TV show Kalām Tānī on Dream TV: “How should history be written?"
ʿAbd al-Ghanī Hindī, a member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, described the criticism directed at the Ministry of Endowments over the ban on loud speakers in tarāwīḥ prayers during the coming month of Ramḍān as “pointless exaggeration."


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