Displaying 261 - 270 of 1252.
Dr. Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī believes that the Muslim Brotherhood needs to revise its educational methodology.
The Christian mother embroiled in a lawsuit with her ex-husband over the custody of their two children has claimed that she will not give custody of her children over to her Muslim husband.
Hanī Labīb discusses sectarian strife in Egypt, stating that all incidents have common factors and that comprehensive social reform is needed to prevent future problems.
Wā’il Lutfī discusses the fatwà issued by Dr. Muhammad Shawqī al-Fanjarī about zakāh for oil production.
Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyūmī writes about the danger of rigidity in religion in modern times.
Hasan ‘Azzām writes about the importance of experienced scholars issuing fatwás.
Ahmad Bashā reports on the Swiss call to give al-Hadarī Swiss citizenship.
Amīrah Ibrāhīm reports on the fatwá issued by Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī concerning prayer time during working hours.
Muhammad Shibl comments on rigid Islamic thinking regarding celebrating non-Islamic feasts.
The article covers issues that have made the headlines in Egypt in the last month and includes the story of a postman was detained for two months, a fatwá thatwas issued declaring that non-Muslims are not apostates and the contentious issue of a piece of land near St. Macarius monastery that has...


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