Displaying 891 - 900 of 1252.
Ramadān al-Bīh argues that the declaration of Islamic opinions and fatwas should be left in the hands of Muslim scholars who have wide knowledge of the Islamic sharī‘a.
In an interview with Ākhir Sā‘a, Muslim thinker Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā has dismissed the possibility of having a religious state in Egypt for a number reasons.
Former president of Indonesia, ‘Abd al-Rahmān Wahīd writes about the Wahābī ideology, propagated by some Gulf countries and its role in supporting terrorist groups.
An Israeli postage stamp with an offensive picture of a mu’adhin engenders angry reactions in Muslim communities.
The article criticizes web sites that spread hate and exchange insults between Muslims and Christians, as well as engaging in mutual attempts to cast doubts over each other’s faith and fake accounts about Christians’ conversion to Islam and Muslims’ conversion to Christianity.
Ahmad Shawqī al-Fanjarī blames the backwardness of Muslims on three persons, namely "the extremist Indian writer Abu al-‘Ala al-Mawdudī, the illiterate Bedouin Mufti who spearheads the Wahābī call ‘Abd al-‘Azīz Bin Bāz and Mullah Muhammad ‘Umar who applies his fatwas with whips and guns in...
There are a variety of often contradictory fatwas being issued on television, but the author argues that such disagreement is normal and should not worry Muslims, given that the imāms of the four schools of Islam frequently disagreed over the details of religious matters.
Dr. Nabīl Luqā Bibāwī’s response to the questions posed by AWR concerning Yustina Saleh’s article on the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
A recent fatwa by the muftī of Egypt, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a, allowing Muslims to sell liquor to non-Muslims in non-Muslim countries, has stirred up wide controversy among Egyptian Muslim scholars.
Muhammad Habīb, the deputy murshid, commenting on Murshid cĀkif’s statements that the Muslim Brotherhood would respect existing treaties between Israel and Egypt, said any agreement concluded by a state "is not Qur’ān. It is human action that is subject to review.”


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