Displaying 291 - 300 of 419.
Qutb’s ideology was the driving force for many Islamic groups, some of whom, such as al-Takfīr Wa al-Hijra, have gone to extremes.
The full text of Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyoumī’s response to the 30 questions Drs. Cornelis Hulsman sent him concerning the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
Mukhtār Sidum explains the main reasons behind the recent Muharram Bik incidents.
In an interview, Shaykh Yousuf al-Qaradāwī argues that secularists want to impose Western philosophy and Western theories about religion, secularism, law, sociology, politics, language and culture on Muslims.
‘Alā’ al-Aswānī presents four reasons for what he describes as the discrimination against Copts in Egypt.
The press report that the Muslim Brotherhood have spent 28 million LE on election propaganda, and that their slogan, ’Islam is the solution’, is simply used to avoid providing detailed solutions to Egypt’s problems.
‘Amr Khālid phenomenon has triggered several discussions in the Egyptian street.
The author suggests that extremists twist religious texts to suit their own aims.
Dr. Mahmoud Hamdy Zaqzouq, Minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments], emphasized the necessity of renewing religious discourse as compelled by changing times. He clarified that this renewal does not touch on the fundamentals of faith, but concerns matters that require progressive vision.
The purpose behind making Shari’a a source of legislation is because it is a fully developed legal system acknowledged by the international law assemblies. Since the Shari’a includes various concepts, it should be subject to well-formulated legal rules as Shari’a here is the source of legislation,...


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