Displaying 51 - 60 of 101.
The Judiciary Administrative Court has ruled that Christians who converted to Islam are not allowed to re-convert to Christianity. The court refuses to allow 45 Christians to change the entry of religion on their identity cards and other official documentary into Christianity, but to leave Islam as...
The Administrative Court rejects the law-suit promoted by Yūsuf al-Badrī to have Wafā’ Constantine arraigning before the court to declare her religion. While Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī denounced the court’s rejection and claimed that Constantine was under forced residence in a Coptic monastery,...
Muhammad Shibl discusses hadd al-Riddah in Islam.
Wafā’ Shu‘ayrah reports on the lawsuits filed by Islamized Christians who want to convert back to Christianity.
Islamic scholars of the Azhar have rejected a fatwá issued by a key Islamic leader in Sudan, Dr. Hasan al-Turābī, in which he denies the hadd of stoning a male adulterer, believing it to be a Jewish rather than an Islamic order. He also recognises the testimony made by an educated woman as equal to...
Many scholars from all Islamic denominations insist that apostates should be sentenced to death although many of the Qur’ānic texts clearly assert the importance of freedom of thought and belief.
The article is about Wally and Evelyn Shellenberger, the only American Christians living in the Iranian holy city of Qom The couple is on an exchange program with the Islamic Institute aiming at creating understanding and friendly relation between [Christianity and Islām].
The dean of the Faculty of Dār al-‘Ulūm said that Shaykh Attya Saqr?s Fatwá that considers handshaking between men and women H...
Islamic thinker Jamāl al-Bannā said in this interview with Ākhir Sā‘a magazine that there is nothing in Islam called hadd al-ridda, which he deems as harmful to the tolerance and freedom of Islam, asserting that keeping the power of thought defunct will have unfavorable results.
Egyptian intellectuals express their views on the reason behind the Alexandria incident in particular and sectarian tension in Egypt in general.


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