Date of source: Saturday, January 24, 2004
article reports about the response of Tareq Ramadan, a Swiss Islamic intellectual and the
grandson of Hassan Al-Banna [the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt] to the decision of
someone of the municipality of district No. 12 in Paris for canceling the lease of a hall where
Date of source: Sunday, February 1, 2004
Democracy is the keyword in the crisis of the veil in France
Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim discusses
the crisis caused by the French draft law banning Muslim women from wearing head covers in French
public schools and institutions
He argues that people should not overlook the great
significance lying...
Date of source: Monday, February 16, 2004
Mamdouh Ismail criticizes the opinions of Prince Al-Walid Ibn Talal [the owner
of the music satellite channel Rotana] on the issue of the veil in France and of martyrdom
operations. The prince voiced his opinion in an interview with the French paper Le Figaro.
Date of source: Friday, February 20, 2004
The Grand Imam of Al Azhar Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi
confirmed that the veil is an Islamic obligation and whoever denies it is considered an apostate.
During the meeting of the head authority of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and
Relief, he said that dealing with the French veil ban...
Date of source: Sunday, February 22, 2004
Today, a
harsh delusory media campaign would be mounted against France due to the law banning the donning
of explicit religious symbols. We might as well take France’s ’lead and put our house in order
by going after the countless issues we tend to shelf or place ’on hold’, leaving them...
Date of source: Saturday, December 18, 2004
In an interview with al-Ahrām al-‘Arabī,
Shams al-Bāroudī reveals her secrets behind wearing the hijab.
Date of source: Monday, March 15, 2004
Has President
Mubarak’s call to renew religious thought been seriously tackled on all levels of the ruling
party and the government-owned media or not? Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami, owned by the ruling National
Democratic Party, continued its attack on secularists on the pretext that secularists are...
Date of source: Sunday, March 28, 2004
There has been a wide political debate about a
judicial complaint calling for the confiscation of the book “Al-Hijab: Ro’ya ‘Assriya” [The
Headscarf: A Contemporary Perspective] by and the dismissal of the author and editor-in-chief of
Hawa [Eve] magazine Iqbal Baraka from her job.
Date of source: Monday, April 25, 2005
More than half a century, I published a book calling for a new concept of honour and ethics which depend on the essence of both man’s and woman’s behaviour.
Date of source: Saturday, April 2, 2005
The Union of
Islamic Organizations of France (UOIF) held its 22nd conference, March 25-28, at Le Bourget, under the title ‘For a special
Islam of France,’ a motto held by many French Islamic Organizations to stand the previously established idea ‘Islam in