Displaying 71 - 80 of 213.
Dr. Muhammad ‘Imārah talks about the characteristics that distinguish the Islamic model of Arabic culture from the Western one.
This article strongly criticizes the claims of al- Gābrī, professor of philosophy at Muhammad V University in Morocco, about the Qur’ān’s perversion, providing counter arguments to these claims.
‘Abd al-Jawwād Harbī interviews Jamāl As‘ad, an eminent Christian figure who is known for his opposing stands against church involvement in politics.
‘Ādil Hammūda warns against trusting repentant Islamic terrorist groups. These groups are a “danger lurking in the dark,” awaiting the opportunity to attack Egypt’s security and stability, he says.
The article highlights the special features of the Islamic caliphate, showing its main characteristics and how it is distinguished from other forms of rule.
The author writes about a conference he attended in Indonesia that has considered ways for Arab Muslim countries to benefit from the experiments of non -Arab Muslim countries and which discussed whether Islamic discourse could be reformed without taking the Arab environment into account.
The review deals with a fatwa by Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a on the right of a non-Muslim mother to retain custody of her children in the case of her husband’s conversion to Islam in light of a lawsuit filed by a Christian convert to Islam who claimed the right to custody of his...
Preaching on public transport has become a phenomenon in the past few years. “It is very common in microbuses to find people giving cassette tapes with religious content to the driver to play throughout the journey.” Walīd Ahmad, a university student, says.
The status of Copts in the Muslim Brotherhood’s literature is the reason why Copts fear the rise of the Islamic group.
Several Muslim scholars agree on that Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men, despite Sudanese leader Hasan al-Turābī’s controversial statements allowing Muslim women to marry Jewish or Christian men.


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