Displaying 111 - 120 of 731.
Drs. Hulsman and Dr. Burslem provide a detailed report on Muslim-Christian relations based on a review of Dr. Hugh Goddard’s book, commenting on a number of issues including Western perceptions, mis-interpretations, and examples of recent incidents involving Muslims and Christians.
German police carry out search operations to catch Islamists suspected of inciting jihād while the Danish government decides to close its embassies in Algeria and Afghanistan out of fear of attacks.
The Bush administration has launched a new front in the war on terror, this time targeting language.
Labīb Halīm Labīb presents the views of American writer John Esposito on thoughts of the Islamic movements in Egypt.
A group of 12 Egyptian and an Iraqi have been arrested on charges of plotting to carry out a coup.
The author reviews a book by Khalīl al-‘Anānī entitled, ’al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn fī Misr; Shaykhūkhah Tusāri‘ al-Zaman’ [The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; Old Age Struggling Time].
The author thinks that since women tend to wear fashionable clothes while wearing the hijāb, the feminine beauty of women has overcome the suppression of the hijāb.
The author refutes a book of the Jihād Group key leader Dr. Tāriq al-Zumur that tackles the group’s new ideological introspections.
The Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali has asked the European Union for money to help protect her while she is in the U.S. after she received death threats because of her outspoken criticism of Islam.
Al-Jihād’s recent revisions contain the same fundamentalist principles as the Islamic groups and will give priority to violent methods if the group comes to power.


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