Displaying 131 - 140 of 731.
The article reports on criticisms of the proposed manifesto of the banned Muslim Brotherhood’s party that has been reported as ruling out non-Muslim citizens and women from taking over presidency or heading cabinet.
‘Ādil al -Darjalī reported on the statements of the lawyer of Islamic groups Muntaṣir al-Zayyāt about Islamists using Fatwás permitting the killing of civilians to justify their violent deeds.
al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmīyah and al-Jihād have major structural differences; however, they are both engaged in revisions that will stop the groups’ from using violence in their political activity. al-Qā‘idah fears the influence of the introspections on its members.
The following presents the continuation of a lengthy interview with Bishop Bīshūy in which he expresses his opinions on different issues.
All imprisoned leaders of the Jihād factions have unanimously approved the jurisprudential reviews’ document, authored by Sayyid Imām, the founder of the Jihād organization in Egypt.
The author, Charles al-Miṣrī, rejects an idea being widely promoted in the media that expatriate Copts are traitors who seek to enflame sectarian strife in Egypt. He, however, believes that there are examples of successful expatriates in the West who are willing to serve their homeland.
Rajab al-Bannā, the author, believes that European countries have adopted a new theory against Islam in Muslims living in the continent. He says the theory allows security forces to search and watch every single European Muslim under claims of resisting terrorism.
The fate of the jurisprudential reviews of the Jihād organization has raised many questions and doubts. The reviews which did not come to light until now prompted some to believe they were just a scoop or a tactic by the group.
Dr. Muh...
The Korean hostages in Afghanistan violated their government’s recommendations not to go to Afghanistan and exploited the misery of poor people to convince them to change their religion and convert to Christianity. The author also blames the Azhar for its support of the group of missionaries.


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