Displaying 151 - 160 of 731.
Thanā’ Rustum interviewed Fāḍil Sulaymān, director of the Jisūr [Bridges] Institute, on the mission of his institution as well as his efforts to reform the distorted image of Islam in the West in general and the U.S. in particular.
The following article presents an overview of the Annual Anglican-Al Azhar Interfaith Meeting that implicitly dealt with dialogue and means of furthering it. Wisam al-Deweny provides her input on the subject, and recommends means of improving this dialogue in the future.
The final version of the Jihād introspection book was approved by the Azhar. The introspections will be annexed to the other two books of the ideologue of the Islamic groups, Imām ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, who apologized for all killings committed based on his previous books and stressed the importance of...
The article discusses the platform of the long-awaited Muslim Brotherhood party. When Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyūmī rejects the idea of establishing the Islamic Ummah, Sāmiḥ Fawzī refers to their trend to turn the basis of the political process from patriotic into sectarian.
The author discusses the increasing trend of radical Islam. He comments on how it is in actuality doing more damage to the Arab world than it is helping it.
Salmá Anwar presents an overview of her internship from January 15 to July 31, 2007.
Since H...
Dr. Ḥusām ‘Īssá re-interprets Pope Benedict’s lecture delivered in Germany from an Orientalists’ point of view.
The article responds to Mr. Makram Muhammad Ahmad’s previous article, in which he believes that Pope Shenouda seems to have tired of security after the recent sectarian strife took place in Bimhā village in al- ‘Ayyāt...
Leaders of the Egyptian Jihād Organization have declared that a book entitled, “Wathīqat Tarshīd al-‘Amal al-Jihādī fī -Misr wa-al-‘Ālam” [A Document for Rationing the Jihād-based Actions in Egypt and the World] will carry the new ideological philosophy of the group.


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