Displaying 171 - 180 of 731.
Terrorism has proliferated in nearly all Islamic and Arab countries despite the differences between the ruling regimes. Within the Palestinian people’s resistance against the Israeli occupation, the phenomenon spread that some called “suicide bombing” and others called “martyrdom operations.”
The once-insider of the outlawed group, ‘Alī ‘Ashmāwī, says he discovered that the organization had been penetrated by Western agencies.
The Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine has completed its historical mission and has vanquished Israel and established a national Palestinian state. That is why we were not surprised to read its shady statement in which it called on Moqtada Al-Sadr to burn all Iraqi oil. The movement, after...
Transcribed by: Susan Richards-BensonThe following present a transcript of an interview with Tarek Heggy. Heggy discusses a number of issues, centered around his controversial article ‘If I were a Copt.’ He comments on current events in Egypt and the Arab world, and present his opinion on issues...
The author criticizes the occurrences that surround incidents of sectarian strife, and the continued segregation that Copts are subjected to. He states that Watani International will be accepting donations to assist the victims and the family of the victims in the sectarian crisis in Bimhā.
The article is about an initiative, launched by the founder of the Jihād Group, calling on Islamic groups to stop the violence and killing.
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman stresses the danger of ignorant media reporting, and the damage that inaccurate fact-checking can cause. He provides a number of examples from various intellectuals, commenting on stories that have been sensationalized in the media, and the negative effects this reporting had...
Al-Zayyāt, the lawyer of the Islamic groups, assures the Jihād Organization’s decision to cease violence enjoys the support of the leading figures within the Islamic groups.
The article talks about Sayyid Imām, the muftī of the Jihād Organization, and his repentance.
Lawyer of the Jamā‘ah al-Islāmīyah,Mamdūh Ismā‘īl, strongly denied any connection to Ayman al-Zawāhrī or acting under his instructions.


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