Displaying 61 - 70 of 181.
Tarek Heggy presents a unique perspective on many problems that Copts claim to suffer from in Egyptian society, providing examples of action that he would take were he in the same position.
The author comments on political Islam, and the people that have fought to combat this image of Islam. She further comments on controversial Fatwás, as well as Muslim-Christian relations.
Some armed Islamic groups in the Iraqi city of al-Dora have forced Christian residents to leave their homes, unless they embrace Islam or to pay a sum of 200 U.S. Dollars for each person for the jizyah.
Although the coming of Arabs to Egypt is commonly known as fath, the author has referred to it as a mere invasion.
Sayyid al-Qimnī examines the state of Ḥijāb amongst Arab traits and virtues.
Despite the passing of five months, media still shows concern about the military show performed by some Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated students at the Azhar University. The article is based on the dangers of Islamists in universities.
The author highlights the problem of Bishop Kyrillos, providing his view with regards to the issue of citizenship.
For three consecutive issues, Rose al-Youssef devoted a special file for comments on the Egyptian identity under a general title ?Egypt is First and Before All.? Part of the file is three interviews with poet and writer Ahmed Abdel-Mo’ti Hegazi. Among his comments on the effects of Arab nationalism...
Mustafa Mashhour, the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, has been diagnosed as having a blood clot in the brain and is expected to die. Brotherhood members refuse to answer questions concerning his successor. Observers recognize three candidates and one of them is the official spokesman of...
The Prosecutor General ordered the freezing of the judicial investigation of Nawal al-Sa’adawi, concerning the notification, lawyer Nabih al-Wahish introduced against her. After the investigation he ordered her acquittal because nothing in the notification indicated that she had committed an...


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