Displaying 101 - 110 of 280.
Representatives of the Islamic community in France filed a lawsuit against a French novelist for writing a novel that defamed Islam. The subject of the novel is Islām and sexual tourism in Thailand. It contained very open attacks against Islam, Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians.
Al-Hayat and al-Akhbar praised Pope Shenouda’s invitation to those who participated in the series of "Awan al-Ward" to the annual Ifṭār party of the Coptic Orthodox church. Both papers wrote about the support of the Minister of Information for the series. Rose al- Youssef reported the details of a...
The controversy around the TV show Awan al-Ward, which presented a mixed marriage between a Muslim and Christian, escalated this week with three cases filed against its author. Many Egyptian and Arabic-language papers dedicated much space to the film. Al-Ḥayāt said Awān al-Ward raised controversy...
An armed man called Abass al-Baqar killed 20 worshippers in Ans...
A critique of a number of articles published on the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group’s website, deeming individuals or institutions to be kāfir.
Explaining the broad meaning of the concept of jihād in Islām, Muslim thinker Rajab al-Bannā quoted famous British writer Karen Armstrong’s definition of it as "struggle and effort, not a synonym for holy war as Westerners define it." Ahmad ‘Izz al-Dīn al-‘Arab wrote in a short article in al-Wafd...
Majdī Khalīl mentions some of the situations where Muslims have attacked Christians, Jews and the West and questions who should apology to whom over such incidents.
The author discusses the plight of Christians in Iraq.
Coptic writer Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá comments on the affirmation of the conviction conference that was held in Fayyūm a few days ago, saying that it aimed at judging the reformists who call for developing the church.
Jamāl As‘ad criticizes the recent tendency in the Coptic Orthodox Church to view the pope’s opinions, whether they are religious or political, as something to be followed. Whoever rejects these may be accused of being kāfir [apostate].


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