Date of source: Thursday, July 29, 1999 to Wednesday, August 4, 1999
Infringement on personal freedom or sound educational policy? The ban on wearing the niqab, or full face-veil, in schools has stirred intense controversy and a lengthy legal battle ever since it was issued by Minister of Education Hussein Kamel Bahaaeddin in 1994. The legal wrangle came to an end...
Date of source: Thursday, July 29, 1999 to Wednesday, August 4, 1999
The High Administrative Court has decided to ban students from entering schools while wearing a niqab (full-face veil).
Date of source: Thursday, July 22, 1999 to Wednesday, July 28, 1999
A court has banned Egyptian schoolgirls from wearing a full-face veil ending a five-year legal battle between Islamic fundamentalist lawyers and the education minister.