Date of source: Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Eight young British Muslims have been put on trial in London on charges of terrorism with insufficient evidence.
Date of source: Sunday, April 27, 2008
The author addresses the issue of whether the concept of Shūrá in Islamic thought differs from the concept of democracy in the West.
Date of source: Friday, April 25, 2008
Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī denies that the Qur’ān has texts with presumptive and indisputable passages and ones that call non-Muslims kafīr.
Date of source: Friday, April 25, 2008
The Azhar is experiencing a controversy between scholars who call for the purification of fiqh heritage and those who believe fiqh already contains rules of extended applications and that no scholar now is able to understand such rules.
Date of source: Monday, March 31, 2008
While the majority of Muslims call to boycott The Netherlands because of the offensive movie ’Fitna,’ some extremists attacked Dutch interests in certain countries. However, Dr, ‘Alī Jum‘ah, the muftī of Egypt explained the way he reacted: “I carried the Glorious Qur’ān, kissed it and read it for...
Date of source: Thursday, April 3, 2008
In an interview with Mahmūd ‘Īsá, Muslim thinker Jamāl al-Bannā elaborates on many of his controversial stances and honors the Qur’ān as the only authentic point of reference for Muslims. He also declares that the divine influence of the Qur’ān is not in the human interpretation of the Qur’ānic...
Date of source: Sunday, April 6, 2008
Zaynab Radwan, the deputy speaker of the parliament and a professor of Sharī‘ah recentlysubmitted a number of proposals to Parliament. Amongst other things, the proposals called for Bahā’īs’ rights to obtain formal documents and stated that Christian wives of Muslim men should be able to have a...
Date of source: Monday, March 31, 2008
Dr. Zaynab Radwān has stated that most Qur’ānic references to witnesses do not make any reference to gender. Some references fully equate the testimony of males and females.
Date of source: Sunday, April 6, 2008
The issue of the formation of a legal Muslim Brotherhood political party has re-surfaced after the speaker of the People’s Assembly stated that it is time to establish such a party.
Date of source: Friday, April 4, 2008
The author describes the friendship between the imām of al-Nūr mosque and the bishop of Hilwān.