Displaying 51 - 60 of 65.
The Yemeni Al-Habib Ali is the last sheikh of artists and businessmen in Egypt. He directs himself to prominent persons in Egypt and other Arab countries and not to the ordinary people. He is the son of the ex-prime minister of South Yemen and he is living in Egypt as a political refugee. The great...
The full text of Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyoumī’s response to the 30 questions Drs. Cornelis Hulsman sent him concerning the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
The author claims that Jewish corruption of Islamic texts dates back to the period of the Sahāba [Prophet Muhammad’s companions], and examines three categories of corruption.
A recent study at the Azhar revealed that there are over 10,000 anti-Islam websites.
We have never heard from the Muslims of former days the slogan "Qur’xn is our constitution", which in its very essence a stratagem that only aims at reaching the corridors of power and then bring Muslims to an apocalyptic end.
In December 1976, Mamdouh Salem, then Minister of Interior, issued a decision to cancel censorship on books and newspapers. This was one way President Sadat aimed at presenting himself as democratic. The editors and the managers of the newspapers were appointed by the president himself and thus...
Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi answers questions concerning the degree of freedom enjoyed by non-Muslims in a Muslim society. Are they to be judged according to the Shari’a of Islam [Islamic law] or by their own law? One of the freedoms guaranteed by Islam to non-Muslims is the freedom to keep their...
The contemporary Islamic movement is losing the sound vision when it announces, “the Qur’an is our constitution” because this involves a suspension of the Muslim mind and blocking it from coming up with a human constitution from the spirit of the Qur’an to be in harmony with the socio-political...
Over and over again, we are just seeing the same incidents, names and climate that brought about terrorism, takfir [accusing someone of unbelief] and hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality, suing on behalf of religion]. - See art. 18, 19: Screening the Soap Opera "Bint min Shurba...
Scholars’ opinions concerning the issue of Muslim men marrying Kitabi women [Christian and Jewish women] range from allowing it with no restrictions to banning it altogether. The writer of the book "Preachers at the gates of hell" wrote that a Kitabi woman can be married to a Muslim man. The...


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