Displaying 111 - 120 of 2421.
After a few members of Muslim Brotherhood attacked Dr. Yāssir al-Burhāmī during his walk in the Prophet’s Mosque in al- Madīnah al- Munawarrah [Saudi Arabia], anger prevailed over Salafi circles. 
Ahmad al- Tayyib, the Azhar Shaykh stated that it is not permissible to give employees raises based on love and hate.
Sources in the Da’wah al- Salafiah revealed the attempts of Shaykh Yāssir al- Burhāmī, the vice president of al- Da’wah, to resolve the problem of prohibiting the leaders in al- Da’wah al- Salafiah from giving sermons. 
The decisions taken by the Minister of Endowment Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah is controversial. They include prohibiting non- Azharites from giving sermons in mosques as well as imposing a fine on mosques that hang the banner of “have you prayed for the prophet today.”
ISIS has released more than 20 photos of the destruction of religious shrines of both Sunni and Shi’ite saints in Nineveh, Iraq. A statement of ISIS stated that these shrines are idols and that the sharī’ah prohibits them and that Islam’s judgment is that they should be destroyed until leveled with...
Dr. Ahmad al- Tayyib, the Azhar Shaykh requested each Egyptian house to be moderate in spending and avoiding excessive spending, stating  that Ramadan is a month of prayer and asceticism and not one of pleasure, or having fun. 
The Azhar is about to complete the draft law for the ‘alms- house’ that is to be presented to the council of Ministers the coming week. 
Bayt al- ‘Ailah held an extraordinary meeting in the Nag’ Hammādī Diocese two days ago (Tuesday July 1) after armed assailants have repeatedly kidnapped Coptic citizens in Nag’ Hammādī.  
 Muhammad Mukhtār Jum‘a, Minister of Religious Endowments, has refused the demands of shaykhs of the Salafi Call to review the law on the practice of preaching and giving religious lessons in mosques, calling for adherence to the terms of the law. Muhammad Salāh Khalīfa, a member of the Media...
The Association of Dubai Holy Qur’an Awards has awarded al-Azhar’s High Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayyib the Islamic Personality of the Year Award. 


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