Displaying 131 - 140 of 2421.
Shaykh Ahmad Ni'ayna', Qur’ān reciter, and member of the Syndicate of Reciters  stated that Shaykh Muhammad al-Tabalāwī did not suspend him from the syndicate as has been earlier stated.
Dr. Yāssir Burhāmī, Vice President of al- Da'wah al-Salafiah, stated that the Da'wah and the Nūr party have nothing to do with the posters that state "did you pray for the prophet today?"
  Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood  surrounded Dr Yāssir al- Burhamī, vice president of the Da’wah al- Salafiah, during his visit to a mosque in Umrāniyah, Giza, to take part in a wedding ceremony for one of his relatives. 
The head of the Supreme Council for the Arab Tribes, Sālim Abū Ghazālah, has criticized the reconciliation committee that was formed by  Azhar Shaykh  Ahmad al- Tayyib  to complete reconciliation between the Dabūdiah and Banī Hilāl tribes.
Minister of Endowments, Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah, has requested that a law regulating fatwá affairs be drafted, to be presented to the Council of Supreme Scholars headed by the Azhar Shaykh Ahmad al- Tayyib.
Shaykh Ahmad al-Sharīf, member of the Da’wah al- Salafiah shūrá council, said that the decision of the Da’wah al- Salafiah pertaining to run for the parliamentary elections is an institutional decision that is currently being examined. 
The Nūr Party has criticized Dr. Muhammad Mukhār Jum’ah, Minister of Endowments, for implementing the law that prevents non- Azharites from giving sermons in mosques.  
The Supreme Scholars Board, headed by Shaykh Ahmad al- Tayyib,  has expressed its hope that God allows Abd al- Fattāh al- Sīsī to succeed in shouldering the responsibility  of Egypt, assuring its freedom, prosperity and justice.  
Dr. Yāssir Burhamī, deputy head of the Da’wah al- Salafiah, stated that the sexual harassment that took place in Tahrir Square is disgusting and provokes any rational and adult Muslim to disgust and anger.
Magdī al Batītī, Governor of Beni Suef, has inaugurated the Bayt al- ‘Ailah in the district of Biba, Beni Suef. 


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