Displaying 201 - 210 of 2421.
Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awā, the former presidential contender, is still considering an offer by the president to occupy the post of advisor for social justice affairs after a meeting between the two at the presidential palace. The nomination obtained a thumbs-up by the Revolution Union, which...
Fasting is not just about refraining from several joys or temporarily controlling some instinct or lust but rather an indication that man is greater than just becoming a being that only eats, drinks and breads. [Yūhannā Qultah, al-Musawwar, July 26, p. 82] Read text in Arabic
During the past 50 years of our history, the state of affairs in Egypt aggravated due to a despotic propensity that marked the prevalent way of thinking, doubled with the absence of national spirit and sane social development, writes Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb in an opinion...
Fasting is not just about refraining from several joys or temporarily controlling some instinct or lust but rather an indication that man is greater than just becoming a being that only eats, drinks and breads. [Yūhannā Qultah, al-Musawwar, July 26, p. 82] Read text in Arabic
Dr. Wahīd ‘Abd al-Majīd, the official spokesman for the constituent assembly and a member of the panel’s drafting committee, said the rights & freedoms committee submitted several articles – 35 – to the drafting committee for debating. [Sālih Shalabī, al-Misryūn, July 26, p. 1] Read text in...
[Reviewer’s Note: Article II of the Egyptian Constitution of 1971 reads, “Islam is the official religion of the state, Arabic its official language and the principles of Islamic sharī’ah are the main source of legislation”. Salafists sought removing the word ‘principles’ or replacing it with the...
Meanwhile, sources in al-Nūr Party said a new round of negotiations with the Azhar will start next week on the text of Article II of the Constitution as the top establishment in the Sunni Muslim world insisted keeping the article without any omissions or additions. Several meetings were held...
Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awā, the former presidential contender, is still considering an offer by the president to occupy the post of advisor for social justice affairs after a meeting between the two at the presidential palace. The nomination obtained a thumbs-up by the Revolution Union, which...
Thinker Jamāl As’ad said the decision to appoint the first Coptic vice-president is a right one, adding Marqus is a good Egyptian patriot known for his eagerness to serve the masses. “Marqus’s appointment is not an overture to Copts. Persons who say that he would focus his attention on Copts just...
[Reviewer’s Note: The paper mentioned that Israeli Member of Knesset Michael Ben-Ari from the National Union Party has burnt a copy of the Bible while he actually tore a New Testament from a copy of the Holy Book and threw it in the trash bin] Najīb Jabrā’īl, Chairman of the Egyptian Union for...


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