Displaying 71 - 80 of 2421.
  Twenty-five human rights organizations and political parties called on the Shūrá Council to freeze the recent appointments of chief editors of state-run newspapers.     Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb praised President Muhammad Mursī's decision to re-establish the Senior Scholars...
There are new hopes for resuming relations between Al-Azhar and the Vatican. Dr. Shawkī Allām, Egypt's Mufti, attended a peace conference in Rome as a representative of the Shaykh of Al-Azhar.  The mufti carried a message from Shaykh to the Pope welcoming the renewal of dialogue between the two...
Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah, Minister of Endowments, decided to refer the Azharite attire in Iraq, Shaykh Faraj Allah al- Shāzilī, for investigation for making the call for prayers in the Shi’ite way which contradicts with the call of Sunnah.
Sufī Shaykhs criticized the elections of the Shaykh of the Sufis stating that these were marred by  legal irregularities.
Shī’ite and Sufī leaders rejected the Constituent Assembly, stating that it does not reflect the whole Egyptian society. Sufī leaders affirmed that they and the Shī’ite community are not properly represented in the commission and they are worried about being excluded from the Constitution. Sufī...
The “Jurists of Moodiness” are a group of religious Scholars that publish hardline Fatwas based on their ‘wrong’ readings and interpretations of religious texts without taking into consideration any social conditions for the Fatwa, for example those issued by the Salafist preachers Abū Ishāq al-...
Shaykh Yāssir Burhamī, Vice President of al- Da’wah al- Salafiah, stated that his fatwás were tarnished on purpose. He criticized the misinterpretation of the fatwás which he states is deliberate. 
Dr. Yāssir Burhamī, vice president of the Da’wah al- Salafia, has reiterated his controversial fatwá, stating that a man must not kill his wife and her lover if she falls into adultery simply for the reason of seeing them nude. 
Shaykh Muhammad Abd al- Raziq, deputy of the ministry of Endowments for Mosque Affairs, announced the suspension of the protocol signed by the ministry and the Da’wah al- Salafia pertaining to giving sermons in mosques. 
Islamic Research Institute scholars have commented on the controversial fatwa of Dr. Yāssir Burhāmī, Vice President of the Da’wah al-Salafiah, describing it as corrupt. The fatwá states that a man is not obliged to defend his wife from rape if his life is threatened in trying to protect her 


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