Displaying 1 - 10 of 14.
It is almost Ramadan [Ramaḍān], which comes this year amid exceptional circumstances. The spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has forced people to stay indoors following the preventative measures taken by the government, including quarantine and placing a curfew on civilians’ movement. The...
The month of July is to be the month of Ramadan this year. At the time of writing this article, it was expected that the beginning of Ramadan will be the 29th of June, this is a presumption based on astrological knowledge. The real beginning will be announced in every country by the “ro’ya”, i.e....
This summer will mark my third Ramadan spent in Egypt since I began traveling to the country in January 2011.  My first experience of an Egyptian Ramadan in the summer of 2011 remains particularly memorable, both as a cultural and personal experience.
The author discusses the tradition of Ramaḍān Ifṭār banquets, and the “rosy picture” that they present of Muslim-Christian relations.
The author criticizes the increasing amounts of money earned through the organization of festivals and iftār tables during Ramaḍān, and suggests using this period instead to further society.
Muslims and Christians united in their stance against Pope Benedict’s offensive statement to Islam and voiced their disapproval during the national unity banquets held in the month of Ramadān.
Ramadan is not only a religious landmark. It is a social event that reflects the love which harmonises the hearts of both Muslims and Copts. Among the social activities closely related to Ramadan are the “gatherings of love” in which Muslims and Christians gather for iftar (breakfast, the meal that...
Having suddenly become the focus of the media on different occasions, Hanī ‘Azīz’s precise position is debatable.
The outlawed organization knows that state or ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) officials agree to attend meetings on democracy and reform providing Muslim Brotherhood activist do not attend, even though such meetings tend to focus on the Brotherhood.


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