Displaying 141 - 150 of 549.
Rose al-Yūsuf has exclusively obtained the document of ’Tarshīd al-‘Amal al-Jihādī’ which Sayyid Imām, founder of al-Jihād group, has written to indicate the Jihād’s new ideology.
In the article, scores of thinkers comment on the proposed platform of the political party of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group.
The author rejects attempts of some Muslim scholars to dig up old heritage books to find H...
The author presents an interview with Dr. Ḥamdī Zaqzūq the minister of endowments, where he talks about his opinion concerning dialogue between civilizations.
The article narrates a story of a former Catholic priest who converted to Islam, adopted the Islamic name of Idrīs Tawfīq, and became an Islamic Dā‘yah.
The article reports on the statements of members of the Islamic Research Academy about the group of Muslims calling themselves the ‘Qur’anis’ who consider the Qur’ān to be the sole source of legislation in Islam and deny the authenticity of the Prophetic Sunnah.
Dr. Muhammad al-Sa‘īd Mushtaharī criticizes Islamic satellite channels for depending on dubious Islamic heritage – Ḥadīths or Fatwás – in preaching. He believes that such materials are the main reasons for accusing Islam of being a religion of terrorism.
This article deals with the relationship between the Qur’ān and the Sunnah, as well as the role of the Sunnah in Islamic theology. It sheds light on some movements that aim at destroying religion by calling to eliminate the use of the Sunnah.
Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyūmī calls for debates between the Azhar scholars who are assigned to censor literary and artistic publications, as well as the authors of the works in question, to achieve more clarity in their judgment and put restrictions on the banning of books.
Muḥammad Ḥijāzī’s conversion has sparked protests in both religious and social milieus; the issue has also affected the political situation. In a display of compassion for Ḥijāzī, a demonstration was held in Italy that called for greater respect of religious freedom in Egypt.


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