Displaying 161 - 170 of 549.
An engineer filed a communiqué to the Public Prosecutor demanding to sack the Muftī ‘Alī Jum‘ah and to refer him to a medical committee in order to test his mental ability.
The article reports on the statements of Azhar scholars who launched a no holds-barred attack on the group of ‘al-Qur’āniyyūn’ or the Qur’ānis who consider the Qur’ān to be the sole source of Islam and neglect the importance of the Prophetic Sunnah. Opinions of the scholars conclude that whoever...
Religious, medical, and social milieus in Egypt witness heated discussions about the legitimacy of female circumcision. The Muftī of the republic considers it H...
Ṭāriq Mitrī talks about many issues that occupy the public in Lebanon including Fath al-Islām organization, Palestinian refugees of Nahr al-Bārid, and the U.S. military assistance to Lebanon.
Terrorists believe that the establishment of a religious state is a religious requirement that should be imposed by force.
Dr. al-Nafīs criticizes the Salafī currents and their allegations to be the only people qualified to judge the Sunnah and determine the right and the wrong.
The author records the two Muslim trends of thought throughout history.
al-Dustūr interviews the Azhar grand Imām, Shaykh Muḥammad Ṭanṭāwī, about whether his Fatwás are related to the ‘presidential’ statements.
Reviewer: Nīrmīn al-‘AwaḍīSupreme State Security Prosecution has listed Dr. Subḥī Manṣūr, former professor at the Azhar University and the Godfather of al-Qur’ānīyyīn, amongst the five detainees in the case of disdaining religions.
Dr. Samīḥah Idrīs interviews Dr. Su‘ād Sālih. He discusses the current situation of women in Egypt, the Ḥijāb crisis, and what in his opinion is hindering women’s progress in society.


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