Displaying 171 - 180 of 549.
In the spotlight of the recent random Fatwás, a new Muslim denomination appears to be stealing the limelight on the religious stage. Security forces launched a campaign of arrests against the followers of this belief. al-Qur’āniyyīn or Ahl al-Qur’ān do not recognize the Sunnah or the H...
The author speaks about Christians’ conditions in the Middle East. He recommends that Arab countries should avoid religious discrimination and fanaticism in order to provide a secure and peaceful existence for Arab Christians. Those countries should also attempt to establish mutual understanding...
The Synod of al-Ni‘mah churches has witnessed an internal conflict, which has been ongoing for a few years, over the chair of the Synod’s presidency.
Amīna Wadoud, a professor of Islamic studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, led the Islamic prayer service before a mixed congregation of nearly 150 men and women at an Anglican church in New York City. Muslim scholars unanimously agreed that it is categorically forbidden for women to lead...
How could Sufism, which has been penetrated by some pretenders and impostors, return to its golden age? Real Sufism is synonymous with spiritual and mental purity, out of the love for God and His messenger, away from any sentiments of envy, venom, hatred or grudges. Sufism has been penetrated by...
The nomination of Abdullah Gul, the Turkish foreign minister, for the presidency of the Turkish Republic, has pushed secular Turks to discussing succession and the meaning of secularism. The author states that the definition for an Islamic Caliphate is that they are the general presidency for...
Jābir ‘Asfūr reviews the book written by Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyūmī entitled, ‘Islam wa al-Dawlah al-Madaniyah’ [Islam and the Civil State], which considers an Islamic state and the human rights and civil liberties that this state enforces.,
A fatwá on permitting transplant surgeries has caused debates amongst Islamic scholars over the definition of death.
The author comments on political Islam, and the people that have fought to combat this image of Islam. She further comments on controversial Fatwás, as well as Muslim-Christian relations.
British journalist Yvonne Ridley, who was captured for 11 days by the Taliban in 2001, talks about her personal experience with Islamists in Afghanistan and her decision to embrace Islam.


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