Displaying 211 - 220 of 549.
Investigations into the activities of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Director of the Ibn Khaldoun Center for Social Research, revealed new developments in the case. What the investigations and inquiries revealed is recounted in this article.
Rose al-Youssef has taken upon itself to confront two recent, suspicious, religion-related phenomena. One is the new breed of Shaykh preaching in private homes. The other is the hypocritical defense of Islām in the face of a wave of offending literary works. There is now a third phenomenon...
Mahmoud Samāhah examines the activities of the Islamic dā‘iyah cAmr Khālid on a number of Arab satellite channels, accusing him of seeking personal financial gain by distributing his programs to three different channels, while presenting almost the same content. Samāhah believes that Khālid has...
Safā’ Mustafá warns about the spread of new private Islamic institutes which are not supervised by either the Azhar or the Ministry of Awqāf. She believes that these could promote false teachings of Islām with their emphasis on less educated preachers.
In the following review of the first article of Dr. Ahmad ‘Umar Hāshim’s series about the status of women in Islām, Dr. Hāshim points out the different rights given to women in Islamic Sharī‘ah.
‘Amir continues his criticism of the Twelver Shī‘ah and clarify that his attitude is merely religious and has nothing to do with political affairs of the Shī‘ah countries. He asks Sunnī scholars to give precise answers for certain questions about Shī‘ah doctrine.
In a series of articles about the sources of Islamic legislation, the Egyptian Muftī, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah, explains how careful the companions of the Prophet Muhammad were in transmitting and collecting the Prophet’s hadīths.
The author discusses arguments about wearing jilbāb and a long beard, with Muslim scholars stating that these are not a religious duty.
What is life after death? Depictions of hell and heaven differ between religions. The following article presents images of life after death in Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
Ramadān al-Baih states the criteria for a good, reliable muftī.


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