Displaying 221 - 230 of 549.
Mijāhid Khalaf interviews the Islamic thinker Zaghlūl al-Najjār, who discusses the West’s misperceptions of Islam.
Ayman al-Hakīm traces the incident of takfīr a Yemeni poet after he published extremely controversial works.
This article discusses violence in Islam from the Caliph ‘Uthmān Ibn ‘Ufān to the Muslim Brotherhood. Religion and holy texts have been taken as pretexts to commit murder in the name of God and Islam.
Subtitle:Who has the right to tolerate in the religion of our God? Who is the greatest, the Imam or our God?An interview with Dr. Yehya Ismael, the secretary general of the Front of Azhar Scholars, about the battle which the front has started against the Sheikh of the Azhar, Dr. Mohammed...
Further titles:- State’s Security Major Fouad Alam: The MB of today is not different from that of the 1940s and 50s. They have a secret cell which is ready to attack, they are just waiting for a chance.- Mamoun El Hudeibi: We will not change our thoughts and programs. We will remain as we are till...
Initially Dr. Abdel Fatah Ali, former minister of health, forbade the circumcision of girls by unqualified persons, in other words, recognizing that medical practitioners could do the job. Nevertheless, especially among doctors, opposition to female circumcision is strong. Dr. Ismail Salam, Dr. Ali...
Zaynab ‘Abd Allāh writes about the latest controversial fatwá by Jamāl al- Bannā about smoking during fasting. She claims that the fatwá is only meant to distract people’s attention since there is nothing logic about it.
Dr. ‘Alī Jumu‘ah mentions the sources of Islamic legislation.
Dr. Muhammad ‘Imarah explains the difference between Islamic and Western cultural models.
Tal‘at Radwān summarizes the recent debate on reforming religious discourse organized by the Cairo Centre for Human Rights.


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