Displaying 291 - 300 of 549.
The author explains how the Muslim Brotherhood group was the beginning of Islamized terrorism in Egypt.
The article is an interview with the Sheikh of the Azhar. He comments on the future of the Islamic nation [umma], renewing religious discourse and the Arab Culture Conference, which is said to have called for anti-Islamic ideas.
The writer provides the reasons behind the increasing of the percentage of the Americans that believe Islam´s followers urge violence.
The article is an interview with Montasser Al-Zayat, lawyer of Egyptian fundamentalists. He speaks about Egyptian fundamentalists outside Egypt and comments on the recent statements Karam Zuhdi, the leader of the Gama´a Al-Islamiya, gave to Asharq Al-Awsat. He also comments on the conflicts...
The article gives comments on the reaction of Abu Hamza Al-Massri towards the statements of Karam Zuhdi.
The article is an interview with the head of the American Fiqh Council. He speaks about the role of the council and how it corrects wrong notions about Islam. He also comments on the issue of renewing the religious discourse and the problems Muslims face in North America.
The author comments on the hudood [limits imposed by God, and is usually used to refer to the punishments laid down in the Qur´an for specific crimes such as theft and adultery] of the Shari´a. He tries to answer the question of whether Egypt is close to their implementation or not.
Two Muslim sheikhs comment on the importance of renewing the religious discourse.
Some Westerners who converted to Islam use music and songs to preach Islam and to change its tarnished image in the West.
The author comments on an article by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Al-Maseer published in Al-Liwa al-Islami. Al-Maseer wrote that the niqab [head scarf covering the face with the exception of the eyes] is not a religious obligation and not even a sunna. The author refutes this opinion.


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