Displaying 1 - 10 of 202.
Dutch journalist and Arabist Eildert Mulder is deeply impressed by the book Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din’ [Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn] by the medieval Islamic scholar Abu Hamid al-Ghazali [Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī] (c. 1058 – 19 December 1111), parts of which have great value for those who wish to understand human...
Cornelis Hulsman, founding editor of Arab-West Report, and Gurjinder Khambay, second-year student in International Studies at Leiden University, The Netherlands, specializing in the Middle East, interviewed Dr. Jan Slomp, a major leader in Christian-Muslim dialogue at all levels, through Webex, on...
An interview/lecture from Richard Gauvain regarding the impact of Salafism in Egypt.
In this article, Egyptian researcher Dr. Kamāl Ḥabīb narrows down ten writings that he believes lay the foundation for using violence and explicitly call for it under the concepts of al-ḥākimiyya [God’s sovereignty], defending Muslim lands, and applying the sharīʿah [Islamic law]. 
A few weeks ago, Turkish authorities released an Egyptian terrorist sentenced to death in Egypt for his role in the Kerdasa [Kirdāsa] Massacre after detaining him for six months without explaining the reason for his detention or his subsequent release.
On December 20, 2020, Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī posted a tweet, blaming a lack of thinking on Muslims’ part for their current circumstances.  He quoted French Philosopher René Descartes’s saying “I think; therefore, I am,” but added that he fears that it will be said of Muslims: “You are not because you do...
Shaykh Ramaḍān ʿAbd al-Muʿiz in al-Azhar garb sat among some men of the armed forces, telling them about the moderate nature of Islam and exonerating Ibn Taymiyya from the takfiris’ usage of his fatwas [fatwā].  The scene came in episode 20 of the television series “The Choice,” which tells the...
Russian intern Yana Kabirova interned with the Center for Arab-West Understanding between December 10 and December 31, 2018. Her chief interest was in extremism in the Muslim world and thus we introduced her to Professor Abdallah Schleifer, a prominent Middle East expert, chief editor of The Muslim...
Al- Azhar grand shaykh Ahmad al- Tayyib stated that proclaiming apostasy (takfīr) is not a matter just anyone can exercise. He added that no person or group has the right to proclaim apostasy on anyone. 
Writing in 1999 for al-Usbūʿ newspaper, Hānī Zayyāt and Muṣṭafā Sulaymān expressed the


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