Displaying 11 - 18 of 18.
PVV spokesman for Foreign Affairs, Raymond de Roon, MP for the party of Geert Wilders, published on October 11th a blacklist of “Islamic Violence Against Christians in Egypt in 2011”. This list is a simplified version of what was previously published in (internet) publications in the West—many of...
Scholars and legal experts warned from attacking citizens and using violence under the pretext of promoting virtue and preventing vice. Dr. 'Afāf al-Najār, former Dean of Faculty of Islamic Studies, said, that if these matters were left to the general public then Egypt would soon turn into a jungle...
Hamdī Rizq, editor in chief of al-Musawwar, interviewed Dr. 'Alī Jum'ah, Muftī of the Republic. Jum'ah believes that there is no fitnah tā'ifīyah in Egypt but it is used by dissolved powers to terrorize the society. Jum'ah wants to have a dialogue with Copts, through the "Family House" initiative...
Egypt in its entirety stood horrified a few days ago at the Salafists in the southern town of Qena, who challenged the authority of the State and the rule of law and enforced hadds [Islamic penalty] on a Copt.    
This article describes a conference held in Sharm al-Sheikh organized by the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services. The director of the CEOSS, Nabil Abadir, stated that the purpose of the conference was to discuss “the tragic cultural dilemma Egypt is living through, hoping to build...
This article traces an interview with Dr Yūsuf Al-Qaradāwī in which he discussed Sayyīd Qutb’s "Fī Zilāl Al-Qur’ān" and his underlining theme of Takfīr. He discussed the issue of Qur’anic misinterpretation and treated the problems of Naskh and Isrā’īlīyāt.
This article sheds light on the different viewpoints about the application of hadd to apostates in Islam
‘Abd al-Mun‘im Munīb explores results from studies conducted by the National Center for Social Research and the Gallup Organization that state that the majority of Egyptians wish to apply Shari‘ah as the source of law in Egypt.


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