Displaying 61 - 70 of 81.
The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood finances its activities based only on small and medium ones businesses, yet in fact, such activities are highly profitable, and give the Brotherhood access to the grassroots of society.
In less than two months I have heard the talk about the jizya [tax on non-Muslims under a Muslim government] taking place twice from our honorable scholars. I tried as much as I could to avoid involvement in this thorny issue but finally I realized that the return of this sectarian undertone to...
Dr. Bibawy is the author of sixteen books, a Ph.D. five times over, and going for the sixth. He has been very bold in the face of repeated criticism from Christians who believe he is too much of an advocate for Islam. In this interview Dr. Bibawy answers questions related to Christian-Muslim...
Lecture about the need for understanding between Muslims and Christians. Presented in AWR as background to the lecture in Cairo, July 2004.
The history of Arab armies shows that the political caliphate [rule] was turned into a religious dispute, and they considered waging a war against their rivals a religious duty. The armies of Abu Bakr Al-Sediq [the first Caliph] used to wage war against those who did not pay the Zakat [Obligatory...
The author refutes the criticism leveled against his series of articles on the punishment for apostasy in Islam. He is accused of lightly esteeming the companions of the Prophet and believing that “apostasy wars” were launched for political reasons.
The author refutes a comment opposing his ideas concerning the punishment for apostasy, the rule of "Intentionally denying one of the fundamentals of religion" and the so-called "wars of apostasy."
This equality and tolerance shown by Islam is because Islam believes that all human beings are of one origin. Human rights in Islam are based on two points: equality, and the fact that human beings share one common origin. Everyone is equal before God; their good deeds make the difference. Many...
In the wake of the events of [11] September, American security apparatus have dealt with any Arab Muslim as a suspect until he is can be proved innocent.
Jizya is an issue that needs to be discussed and decided upon by religious scholars once and for all. It is unbelievable in this day and age that some people still advocate taking Jizya from non-Muslims and humiliating them in the process. Fortunately, some prominent scholars have taken the...


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