How to classify articles

This article is about classifying AWR-articles

Information given herein is still preliminary.

For TopNews and TopArticles see the last part of this article

Creating articles is traditionally a two step process with

  • step 1: creating the main content including the basic information about author, publisher etc.
  • step 2: linking this article into our classification system i.e.
    • AWR-index
    • locations (former countries & places)
    • organizations
    • persons (former who is who)
    • glossary etc.

The classification system shall help our users to find related information in other articles quickly and easily.

This includes

  • assigning an article to one or more items of a vocabulary
  • adding new terms to the vocabulary

Generally the classification process runs like this:

The classifier looks at the article and marks the terms referring to one vocabulary by copying them to an extra list. Then he selects the right term(s) from a drop-down list of the vocabulary. These vocabularies are usually at the end of the article. By entering the first two or threee letters of a term the term is usually found and selected automatically. If a term is not yet in the list he can add a new term.

In this case care must be taken to follow the general guidelines (link) which were set up for this specific vocabulary. e.g. university departments must be cited in the way <name_of_university> ; name_of_dept> ; name_of_faculty. This helps to ensure consistent information.

This process must be carried out for every article once by each vocabulary.

TopNews and TopArticles

TopNews and TopArticles are two special sections on the frontpage of AWR which should present readers with a selection of articles which are outstanding in

  • the current week (e.g. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary..)
  • the whole archive of AWR

 TopNews is a feature by which articles can be published immediately without passing through the usual editorial process and thus making the website really up-to-date.

TopNews should really be TopNews. This means that they should be selected on the basis of acuteness, fresh development, importance to the reader. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary is a good example of TopNews.

How to make articles TopNews:

The following data should be available:

  • newspapersource(s) >> publisher(s), date
  • author

Create a new article content_type 3awr, then

  • add all fields as they are available (leave field a_num empty)
  • allocate year/week so article will become part of that week later
  • from full-text-type select AWR-Top-News then save article
  • check if article appears under TopNews
  • on that occasion check if older articles of that section can be "de-classified"

In general not more than 5-6 articles should constitute TopNews

With TopArticles the scheme is the same only that to TopArticles can be a longer list and that this must be done by someone who knows the AWR-Archive well enough to classify articles of significant importance. For these articles the respective articles must be edited and the full-text-type be set to AWR-Top-Articles and the article saved.