This article only deals with the AWR-articles. Many points here of course also apply to the general production of content.
See the next articel also on adding content with images.
We will begin by creating the editorial for week 50 / year 2009 as an article without images.
If you check the first image below you will find, that
Now comes the part where you have to select which items of the index this belongs to (but normally the classifier does that later).
Basically you can select any entry by clicking on it. If you want to select more than one entry keep the CTTRL-key pressed while selecting additional entries. The functionality of this part is not yet optimal because of the many entries used here, but we will improve that.
Now follow all entries which are grouped under awr_main, this being:
If you need help on how to use the editor see this page
For transliteration issues see this page
Now at last follow the items with additional information like
Now click on save and check if the article appears correctly under the given week by navigating in the right pane to year 2009 / week 50.