Chinese business woman Mary Lai has been for over 25 years living in Egypt and has been engaged in various businesses. She speaks Arabic, is a former CAWU board member and also after retiring from the board continues to provide support. Of key importance to Mary Lai is building friendship relations between China, Egypt and other nations. She has been engaged in numerous exchanges between the two countries and last year organized the first Nile River International Dragon Boat Festival. That was quite an effort since she first had to bring several Dragon boats to Egypt. Rowing the Dragon boat is a group effort that needs excellent coordination of the participants.
The festival is an ancient Chinese tradition with Dragon boat racing that originated more than 2500 years ago. The racing on the Nile follows the Chinese New Year celebrations, February 5-19. This year the festival is expected to be bigger than last year. Some twenty Ambassadors expect to be present including the Chinese Ambassador of course and the American chargé d'affaires. Also, many media are expected to be present.
If strongly recommend attending this unique festival that takes place at the Mohammed Ali Club. There are no entrance fees, but visitors need to show the poster below on their mobile or print this newsletter.
Cairo, February 20, 2019
Cornelis Hulsman,
Editor-in-chief Arab-West Report