From July 29th to August 3rd, the Center for Arab-West Understanding cosponsored an important interfaith initiative with the Center of Christian-Muslim Understanding and Partnership in Zamalek, where I also serve as academic director. We named the program, “A Journey of Learning,” which signified our hope that the experience would be an opportunity for Christians and Muslims to listen and learn from one another about their respective faiths. With the assistance of Anglican Archbishop Emeritus, Dr. Mouneer Anis, and al-Azhar University professor, Dr. Ismāʿīl ʿAbdallāh, we were able to assemble a diverse group of participants with an active interest in theology and interfaith relations from Al-Azhar University, the Coptic Orthodox Theological Seminary, St. Leo the Great Coptic Catholic Seminary, the Alexandria School of Theology (Anglican/Episcopal), the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Egypt, and Harvard University.
(Participants in “A Journey of Learning” program.)
The program began with a seminar that was open to the public on "Charity and Works of Mercy" on Saturday evening, July 29th, featuring Dr. Stephen Plant (Cambridge University) and Dr. Magdī ʿAshūr (Dār al-Iftāʾ), which explored the theological foundations for charity and humanitarian concern in Christianity and Islam. The full program then commenced on Monday morning, July 31st, and ran through Thursday evening, August 3rd. During the program, participants heard lectures on the following topics, among others:
- Evidences for the Existence of God in Islam and Christianity
- Essentials of Christian Theology
- Essentials of Islamic Theology
- Principles of Qurʾānic Interpretation
- Principles of Biblical Interpretation
- Faith and Human Suffering - Muslim and Christian Perspectives
- Loving your Neighbor - Muslim and Christian Perspectives
(Presentations were followed by opportunities for discussion.)
Lecturers during the week included Dr. Ismāʿīl ʿAbdallāh (Al-Azhar University), Archbishop Mouneer Anis (Anglican/Episcopal Church in Egypt), Dr. Mohga Ghālib (Al-Azhar University), Dr. Wagīh Mīkhāʾīl (Scholar Leaders International), Dr. Bīshoy Helmī (Coptic Orthodox Theological Seminary), Dr. Adrien Candiard, O.P. (Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies), Dr. ʿAzza Ramaḍān (Al-Azhar University), Dr. Steven Firmin (Oxford University), Dr. Stephen Plant (Cambridge University), and Mr. Martin Janssen (SGP International), among others.
(Conversations continued over meals.)
(Participants are pictured with Archbishop Mouneer Anis, Dr. Ismāʿīl ʿAbdallāh, and Dr. Mohga Ghālib. Dr. Ghālib, who is a former dean at Al-Azhar University and previously served in the Egyptian Parliament, lectured on principles of Qur’ānic interpretation during the program.)
To our knowledge, the conference was unique and possibly historic in bringing Muslim and Christian students of theology from Egypt together to learn directly from Muslim and Christian scholars about core doctrinal elements of the two traditions. I am pleased to report that the response from participants was overwhelmingly positive. We believe that the program helped them to formulate new and more constructive perspectives on the relationship between these two religious traditions and that it opened new pathways for understanding and cooperation. We are actively exploring options for ways to build on the momentum of this program.
The Center for Arab-West Understanding would like to express our profound gratitude to Archbishop Mounir at the Center of Christian-Muslim Understanding and Partnership, Dr. Ismāʿīl ʿAbdallāh at Al-Azhar University, and SGP International in the Netherlands for their partnership in this important initiative. In addition, we would like to thank Mr. Kareem Gerges, Director of International Partnerships and Public Policy at CCMUP, and Ms. Francine Abdelmalek, our stellar translator, for their significant efforts in making the conference a success.
In the coming weeks, Dialogue Across Borders will be posting many of the presentations and student responses on our website (
With best wishes,
Matthew Anderson
Director - Center for Arab-West Understanding
Executive Editor - Dialogue Across Borders
August 20, 2023