Displaying 1 - 10 of 1154.
Hasan Akhund, the prime minister of Afghanistan, stated that Afghanistan must uphold the sharīʿa’s ruling and that the Taliban is “taking on the responsibility of upholding the ruling of the sharīʿa, protecting people's lives and property, and respecting our nation.”
Before the armed forces intervened to restore security and stability, journalist Khālid Dāwūd, a former spokesman for the Salvation Front (Jabhat alʾinqādh), an opposition bloc during the rule of the al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn (Muslim Brotherhood), claimed that the Ikhwān had made unforgivable mistakes...
Anṣār al-Sharīʿa (Supporters of Islamic Law), an extremist group in Libya that the UN and the US had classified as “terrorists,” declared in a statement that it had disbanded itself. 
Media guru Ibrāhīm ʿĪsā said that political Islamist groups are troubled by Valentine’s Day and consider it ḥarām (religiously impermissible). He pointed out however that Valentine’s Day could be viewed as an important occasion in the tough reality Egyptians are going through amidst political and...
The Samāllūṭ archdiocese in the Upper Egyptian governorate of al-Minyā commemorated the 9th anniversary of the ‘Martyrs of the Homeland and Faith’ this week. These individuals were killed in Libya in 2015, between February 9 to 16.
On Friday, February 16, the Coptic community in Egypt commemorated  the 9th anniversary of the massacre of 21 Egyptian Christians in the Libyan city of Sirte by the self-styled Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or Dāʿish, in the Arabic acronym, on February 15, 2015.   
Political Islam groups never stop their fact-twisting, which can be seen in their claim that banning the ʿabāʾa (loose female Muslim gown) in primary and secondary schools in France is a kind of war on Islam!
A decision to set up a new college teaching the Ḥanbalī fiqh (jurisprudence) at the World Islamic Sciences & Education University (W.I.S.E) in Jordan has raised many questions. While some view it as a plan to empty the Ḥanbalī fiqh from its content and make a new Salafism that is more appealing...
Salafī groups have escalated pressures on the state and the education ministry over a recent decision to ban the niqāb in schools as the new academic year starts.
The salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party said that it will be filing a lawsuit against the decision to ban the niqāb (face-covering veil) in Egyptian schools.


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