Displaying 1 - 10 of 90.
Dr. Tarek al-Gawhary, MA Azhar University, PhD Princeton University, advisor to Sheikh Dr. Ali Goma’a. explained the thought process in Islamic Law and how a Muslim jurist can think about the concept of inclusive citizenship in a historical context. The basis is in the Constitution of Medina or the...
Al-Azhar continues its pioneering role in preserving and publishing Islamic heritage through its distinguished participation at the 56th Cairo International Book Fair (CIBF).
A fatwā secretary at Dār al-Iftāʾ affirmed that there is nothing in Islam that denies women the right to assume leading positions, adding that despite what some may think, there is no gender-based preference regarding this issue.
Dr. Hiba ʿŪf, a professor of Qurʾān interpretation at al-Azhar University, said using divorce to get a pension or using ʿurfī (legal but informal) marriage to gain financially are flagrant violations of Islamic and Muslim ethics.
On Monday, September 16, which was the occasion of al-Mawlid al-Nabawī  (the Prophet Muḥammad’s Birthday), Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyeb, Grand Imām of al-Azhar, made a speech that triggered wide-scale controversy in religious and media circles.
Love is an endless debate, deceptively simple yet deeply complex. Many discussions are circulating about the nature of love, probing questions like: can we commit ourselves and make choices? Who do we fall in love with and whom do we avoid? Can we create a “book” of prohibitions for ourselves and...
Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyeb, the Grand Imām of al-Azhar, stated that God Almighty alone is capable of making comparisons between divine messages. He further stated that those who believe in these messages should not make comparisons between one prophet or another, or between one religion and another.
The Minister of Awqāf (Religious Endowments), Dr. Osāma al-Azharī, stated that Egypt, led by President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, is making every effort to put an end to the conflict in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Dr. Saʿad al-Dīn al-Hilālī, a professor of jurisprudence (fiqh) at al-Azhar University, stated that the debates about the Sunna (the traditions of the Prophet Muḥammad) or the Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī collection of ḥadīths, are being used as propaganda tools rather than topics of genuine discussions aimed...
Since the call for religious reform until this day, we have not reached an agreement about the purpose of this step.


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