Displaying 211 - 220 of 738.
A De-radicalization Conference was held on 2-3 December 2009 in the Golden Tulip Flamingo Hotel, Cairo. The conference was hosted by the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute. About 12 papers were presented, mostly by Egyptians, but with contributions from Norway, Denmark and the United Kingdom. In...
This brief paper was written as part of the academic writing skills seminar that was heldat the CIDT office in April 2009. The paper focuses on the first draft of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political platform.
Comments on the speech given by Drs. Cornelis Hulsman at the Cairo University.
This issue presents a number of interesting articles on cases of sedition on Egypt, further commentary on the speech of President Obama, and the recent ongoings in the Coptic Orthodox Church.
A number of revenge conflict stories have made the headlines in recent weeks. Worryingly however it seems that those involved are starting to direct their anger toward members of reconciliation committees who are trying to help solve the conflict.
Minister Zaqzūq has called on Muslims to visit the al-Aqsá mosque while for the first time ever an Israeli musician has performed in Cairo. Both events have raised fears about the normalization of relations with Israel.
A dispute in the Upper Egyptian village of al- Tayyibah back in October 2008 has recently come to a positive conclusion with 20 men presenting their shrouds to the family of the victim, the editorial looks into the background of the story and questions why this story has been a success.
The editorial highlights articles seven and ten in this issue which deal with the contentious issue of houses of worship.
On March 16 the Supreme Administrative Court passed a ruling allowing Bahā’īs to leave the religion field on their official documents blank. The ruling marks the end of a five year battle on the part of the Bahā’īs but has unfortunately been marred by sectarian events that took place against them a...
Scholars continue to debate how much emphasis should be placed on Coptic history in the Egyptian curriculum.


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