Date of source: Monday, March 3, 2003
Sharp questions have flared up concerning the independence of the Egyptian judicial system after the Criminal Court of Sohag sentenced only two of 95 defendants on February 27 in a retrial for the deaths of 21 Christians in and around the village of al-Kosheh in late 1999 and early 2000. The...
Date of source: Wednesday, February 12, 2003
Many people in the West accused the Ramadan series A Knight Without a Horse of anti-Semitism. Egyptians denied this. The series is evaluated in this article. The conclusion is that A Knight Without a Horse served as an outlet for Egyptian frustration of being helpless observers of Palestinian...
Date of source: Wednesday, February 5, 2003
Christianity Today, a major US publication, published a highly distorted article on Christians in Egypt, making claims that are simply false or cannot be substantiated. Christianity Today based itself on material obtained from Operation World and other sources. Operation World admits they must have...
Date of source: Saturday, February 15, 2003
The article in Aqidati of January 28 seems to be intended to wipe up sentiments against Jews and Israel. There are plenty good reasons to criticize Israeli brutal policy towards the Palestinians but this article doesn´t do this but focuses on an aleged report to destroy Mecca and the Ka´ba and thus...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Sudanese and other African asylum seekers are suddenly detained in large numbers creating great fear in their community in Cairo. This policy is probably related to Egyptian economical difficulties and ordinary Egyptians seeing Sudanese as competitors on an increasingly tight labor market.
Date of source: Thursday, January 30, 2003
Eulogy of the German Orientalist Dr. Annemarie Schimmel, the most well-known voice in the West for the understanding between Islam and the West.
Date of source: Saturday, September 10, 2005
A letter of recommendation from Dr. Hassan Muhammad Wagīh, expert of Linguistics of Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Communication, Faculty of Languages, Azhar University, and writer at al-Ahrām newspaper, Cairo.
Date of source: Thursday, December 22, 2005
Egypt’s Mufti Dr. Alī Juma reviewing four major Islamic institutions in Egypt.
Strained relations between the Vatican and Israel after the pope failed to mention Israel in his list of countries that have suffered terrorist attacks recently.
Date of source: Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Difficulties in obtaining NGO status and establishing CIDT.
Media attention for AWR work.
Interesting reports about Islam in the West, and in particular, the UK.
Date of source: Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Responses of how the Islamic world could respond to rapid changes and developments.
Critique on fake muftīs who issue eccentric and controversial fatwas on satellite television.