Displaying 461 - 470 of 738.
Overview of churches in al-Ashmonein and a description of the claims of the Coptic Orthodox Church and Brethren Church on one and the same church building. The relations between Orthodox Christians and Muslims and Brethren and Muslims are obviously better than those between the two Christian...
Christians thank president Mubarak for making January 7 a holiday. Announcement of this issue of RNSAW being the last one with this name.
The three authors criticize reporting in the Layman, an American Presbyterian publication, claiming Christians in Egypt are persecuted. They believe the author of this article was ill-informed and provided readers with wrong information. The Layman got the opportunity to respond to their criticism...
President of the National Egyptian Heritage Revival Association (NEHRA) is upset about the story of the Sunday Telegraph. He said it presents an angle he did not present. He believes there are too many guards at the site his organization restored but this is nothing new. Veash, however, had been...
The text of a lecture on human rights and civil society in Egypt, including a discussion on numbers of exaggerated stories in the West, rumors and civil society.
Different reports on whether or not Christians in Islamic countries are persecuted: 30.1 Hermann Schalück OFM Persecuted Christians? Introduction 30.2 Johannes Müller SJ Religious Freedom - Aspirations and Reality Reflections on the Complex Relationship between Christians and Muslims 30.3 Theodor...
Articles that show internal divisions among Egyptian Christians. Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorius Laham strongly supports CIDT and AWR.
Criticizing the press release of the US Copts Association. Some Copts frequently resort to claims of Islamic extremism if decisions are made they don´t like. This doens´t help.
MEMRI´s translations show the Arabic media becomes more polarized but MEMRI does not explain the background of this polarization nor compares this with the Hebrew media which is probably not less polarized
Article 2 in this issue shows how sensitive conversions from Islam are for Muslims. Former Muslims not always deal well with those sensitivities. Some stories are exaggerated but others are true. These are the type of stories that need the greatest care.


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