Displaying 651 - 660 of 738.
Several sheikhs preaching about the miraculous birth of Jesus in the Qur’an.
Egyptian media and political leaders paying attention to Coptic Christmas. Watani’s Editor-in-chief Yusuf Sidhom’s discusses the term ’ persecution’ in describing the position of Christians in Egypt.
Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury, Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia and others coming to Cairo for a lecture on Christianity and Islam. An article about the death of 21 Christians and one Muslim in al-Kosheh with comments of Bishop Marcos and Watani editori-in-chief Yousef Sidhom.
AWR is urgently need of a full-time editor.
Growing interest in AWR work. Announcement of a visit to the Egyptian Delta organized by AWR
Meeting with a delegation from the US Office of International Religious Freedom.
The board of advisors of Arab-West Report recommend application for NGO status in Egypt.
AWR searches for language editor.
Remark on the Missio conference on dialogue between Muslims and Christians in Stuttgard. Description of the program for the visit of the Hong Kong Council, including meeting H.H. Pope Shenouda.
Problems around obtaining NGO status. AWR prepares for a new Missio conference and a program for a visit by a delegation of the Hong Kong Council of Churches.


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