Displaying 671 - 680 of 738.
Double standards; Dr. Muhammad Emara, who often criticizes Western writers for highlighting extremism in Islam because this does not represent true Islam, is highlighting extremism of the Jewish Kach movement.
Visiting the convent of Dimyana at the end of the pilgrimage festiva. Al-Usbū‘’s biased article about the Foreign Press Association is based on one source only. Al-Usbū‘ made no effort to ask the FPA for a comment before placing this article.
Bishop Aghathon speaking about restoring the church in Ishneen al-Nasara.
Rumors changed the car accident, in which Father Mikhael and two members of his church died, into murder. Coptic human rights lawyer Maurice Sadeq makes false and inflammatory statements that create bitter feelings and tensions between Muslims and Christians.
Comment on the ongoing discussion about the car crash involving a priest and two Christian laymen. Problems and bureaucratic delays around obtaining NGO status.
The ongoing process of obtaining NGO status. Dr. Meinardus visits Cairo and recommends writing a book for the understanding of contemporary concepts of martyrdom and persecution in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Dutch businessman Frans Derksen of Fayoum Oases development consulted AWR for advice when...
The Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) aims at setting up a web based Electronic Documentation Center (EDC) for contemporary information covering Arab-West and Muslim-Christian relations with academic standards which can be used for specialized research on the themes covered in Arab-West...
Comment on how easy rumors and unverified stories are spread in Egyptian media. A group of American visitid AWR and wanted to know more about Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt.
The ongoing process of obtaining NGO status.
Several journalists consulted AWR for information about issues such as alleged conversions.


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