Displaying 181 - 190 of 200.
Kiwan interviews Māhir al-Jawharī, who converted to Christianity from Islam, discussing al-Jawharī’s lawsuit submitted to the Administrative Judiciary Court, as well as a background on the problems he encountered after his conversion.
Subtitle: 1- The leader of the organization says, "When Dr. Yehia Ismael said that Hanafy was an apostate, we decided to kill him" 2- The one who was supposed to carry out the operation says, "The plan was to kill him with penknives. I have trained on how to do this in Nozha" 3- An official...
The author criticises the fatwa declaring Dr. Hassan Hanafy to be an apostate and explains how Dr. Hanafy’s work was taken out of context, and twisted to imply that he opposed Islam.
The author reviews the recommendations of the 4th expatriate Copts conference held in the state of New Jersey, which included demands to amend the second article of the constitution asserting that Islam is the State’s official religion, and an official apology for the regime’s crimes against the...
‘Ulā Muṣṭafá ‘Āmir writes about the statement issued by the Islamic Research Academy about al-Jamā‘ah al-Ahmadīyah.
The article speaks of a landmark bill in Turkey giving its citizens the freedom to register whatever they want in the religion section of their identity cards.
A CD distributed for free in downtown Cairo shows the process of the conversion of a young terrorist to Christianity.
Fahmī Huwaydī’ wrote an excellent comment on the recent Muslim-Christian tensions in Alexandria. Comment on discussions about conversions from Islam to Christianity.  Aḥmad Abū al-Majd believes citizenship and democracy are ‘empty slogans’ in Egypt.
The article is an interview with the new Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gom´a. He comments on the issues of Sufism, renewing the religious discourse, issuing fatwas, modern Islamic preachers, Islam-West relations, apostasy in Islam, hisba lawsuits and applying the hudood [punishments for certain sins] of...
The author has made an interview with Dr. ‘Alī Mabrouk on the confiscation of his research on Islamic theology.


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